Thursday, December 8, 2011
Love for Lauren Graham

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Lily ring
This is random, but I just stumbled upon the Lily Royale Ring at catbird and had to post it. I think it would make such a delicate and unusual engagement ring! (Conflict-free stone, too.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Recently, we helped some high school seniors raise money for college by buying a weekend subscription to the LA Times. Last time I was poring over an interesting story, I had a realization. I'm going to go ahead and say it, even though it is an unpopular view in many circles:
I freaking hate reading the newspaper.
By this I don't mean that I hate reading news; I mean that I now hate the physical experience of reading the newspaper. It is large, it is awkward, and I suck at folding it correctly. I get ink all over my hands. If it gets spread out on the beige carpet, ink will get on the carpet, too. By the time it gets to my door, a zillion more things have already happened that will be reported online. Plus, on the weekend it's like, 80% ads and useless coupons.
This might surprise you, because I really love print in many ways and have thus far made print my livelihood, but I just can't get behind newspapers. I don't know if I ever would have come to this realization before there were other options, but when this subscription runs out, I'm all iPad, all the way—at least in terms of news.
[Apparently this space is becoming a home for my random thoughts lately. Sorry!]
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Oh, the Interweb...
I feel kind of strange. I just filled out an online "dating-esque" profile...except to meet platonic female friends. I'm wondering if Girlfriendsocial.com might help me meet some more West Coast folks, since working at home is not conducive to broadening one's social circle!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I'd like to write a bit this morning about driving, and I feel more comfortable doing it in this space than the joint space. This is a matter that pertains only to me, and is something I'm really grappling with.
Making the change from 100% walking and train-taking to 100% driving has probably been the biggest shift in my lifestyle since moving out West. I know how to drive—I started at 15 with my learner's permit, and passed my driving test the first time. However, I haven't been driving on a regular basis since about 2002. That's when I graduated high school, moved to New York, and gave up having a car. During the first 2 summers of college, I drove to and from summer jobs and to see friends. During the second 2 summers, I spent most of the time working at a camp, sans car. Driving is like riding a bike—you don't forget how—but it becomes much, much more nerve-wracking.
I've had a couple scrapes in my day, and my family members have liked to keep things interesting for us with more serious accidents. (Thank God they are OK.) And if living and walking in New York taught me one thing, it's that people are entirely oblivious to everything going on around them. So, picture a busy New York street, where a careless fellow might bump into you, and then give everybody—including that careless fellow—a one-ton, high-speed vehicle full of explosive, flammable gasoline. Combine this with the personal history of accidents, and I am just terrified to get behind the wheel. I walk whenever I can, mostly to the supermarket, the park, the ATM, and the drug store, all close by. (Oh, and Yogurtland. Obv.)
As time wears on, I force myself to drive more and more. I have tackled the giant LA freeways on a couple of occasions, and I have routes I know really well, to places like the library, the bank, and Target. But beyond that, I've been leaving the driving to Chris.
Not driving much is starting to make me feel trapped. On Sunday, I couldn't take it anymore and forced myself to drive (alone) to Abbot Kinney, a hip avenue in Venice that always seems to be busy. I went slightly off-course, but found street parking in a neighborhood and walked about 10 minutes to my destination. A wimpy solution, but the parking was easy and free.
I think I just have to do more solo trips like this to conquer my fear, and to start feeling like an independent person again. Last week, I checked a nearby store for something I needed, and, when they didn't have it, I considered just driving home instead of checking their other location (because I didn't know how to get to the other location). I was disgusted at my own wimpiness, so I whipped out the iPhone, pulled up directions, and forced myself to find the other store, even though it was getting to be rush hour.
I don't want to force myself into situations I can't handle, but I think I can handle most of these things and have to overcome this mental block. It's just that every time I'm accidentally stuck in a turn-only lane or someone pulls a bold, no-blinker cutoff maneuver, my blood pressure goes through the roof and I start sweating buckets.
It's only been 4 months, so I'm trying to be patient with myself. After all, I went from no driving to big-city driving in no time flat. Also, I'm thinking of getting a bike, but that comes with its own set of worries...
Were you ever afraid to drive? How did you get yourself over it?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
New snapshots
I finally uploaded some more shots from my iPhone, so here are some new scenes of life in CA.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
We're here
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Chocolate-filled Valentine's Day
The best kind of Valentine's Day is one filled with chocolate. On my commute to work, I opened my purse to get my headphones and found a pretty pattern...
Then I came home to find this, a chocolate-coffee-port cake baked by Chris:
Hope you had a sweet Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Just felt compelled to post a shout-out to the boy for a whole host of reasons. For holding it together whenever I'm falling apart. For doing the laundry today. For getting me white daisies on Groundhog Day. For making shoveling snow look super fun.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
More snow
I know, I know, it's like, "Beth, enough with the snow already." But I can't help it. It's so preeettyyy. Should I *not* have walked a mile through Central Park in the semi-blizzard this morn? Yeah, I guess. But here's what I saw from under my umbrella this morning:
(By the way, the umbrella wasn't so helpful. As you can tell from the horizontal streaks in the last photo, the sideways snow clung to my bags and coat anyway.)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jury Duty: Not So Bad
Thursday, January 13, 2011
White winter
But not this winter. This winter has been white and fluffy as far as the eye can see. And this girl is happy. (Dogs are happy, too. Can you spot the dog above? Close up, it's about the size of a bear.)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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