Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moment of Stillness

I know I’ve been remiss about blogging, but I’ve been go-go-go these days, between wedding tasks and an explosion of work. I’ve been trying to remind myself to be still for a short while every day. This morning I stumbled upon the very epitome of stillness; a rare sight that takes my breath away every time: a parked taxi cab.

The yellow color makes a cab seem like it should be in motion at all times. There’s probably science behind that, something about the wavelengths of light and the way my rods and cones equate that color with kinetic energy.

I see hundreds of cabs each day, careening down Broadway, the reckless drivers possibly not giving, deep down, a real crap about whether they live or die. The longest I see a cab pause is to let one passenger out and another in; to shuttle someone else at furious speeds around the buzzing blocks of New York.

So when, this morning on my tree-lined street, I spotted a clean yellow taxi shining bright, I stopped in my tracks. I took a break from pushing the limits, from hurtling through the day at death-defying speeds. I reached terminal velocity. I had my moment of stillness.

Image via benjaminseigel on Flikr. Apologies I did not get a photo of the still cab in its glory.


As told by