I have chosen the occasion of my 100th post to bid farewell to some old and faithful friends.
We have journeyed many miles together. We’ve finished high school and packed for college. We have trekked the streets of this city, loitered in the back of the Bowery Ballroom, climbed the steps to the subway. We have traversed campus and finished a degree. We have marched in protest. We have wended our way along wooded paths beside the Corrib River. We’ve stood for hours at some rotten jobs. We’ve run the course of relationships. Twice, we helped lead 300 adolescents to and from the country’s oldest Fourth of July festivities. We’ve been caught in many an unfortunately timed rainstorm. We’ve trod, sauntered, perambulated, strolled…you get the point. 
You don’t need to walk a mile in my shoes to understand me. You only need to look at them.
I like simplicity, practicality, versatility. I stand by that which serves me well. I form attachments where maybe I should not. I step in gross stuff. These shoes and I started far from here and walked and walked and walked our way to someplace very different. Thank you, old friends.

Do not go gentle into that good night. You won’t; I’ll make sure you live on...
Childhood “loveys” aside, have you ever been attached to an object that you felt somehow defined you or a chapter in your life? What was it?
in hopes they find my trusty blues in converse heaven.
ReplyDeletegreen plaid hat defines my young adulthood for sure.