Friday, June 26, 2009

Hands II

In Bali, women craft gazillions of these beautiful little offerings by hand each day. They also use their hands gracefully in everyday situations. Whether setting down a cup of tea or handing a customer an item, they seem to always extend their hands from the wrist and, where possible, fully extend all of their fingers. Each gesture is careful—not cautious, but full of care.

Since I've visited Bali, I've tried at points to be more conscious of the use of my hands. At work, I caught myself executing perhaps my most careless hand movement: impatiently jabbing at an elevator button with my thumb. 

There are a lot of theories about hands, about energy flowing from the palms and what have you. I don't know much about those, but here's a new hand assignment. As you move your hands today, try to take a little more time to make each movement beautiful. How does it feel?


  1. you would be so impressed with how gracefully i am moving my fingers across my keys right now! love these hands posts. love you, too!

  2. I make it a point in my daily life to make every move as deliberate as possible, I'm a firm believer in the fluidity of motion.

    Plus , y'know, it makes me feel cool and shit.

    I can see how ancient cultures placed so much emphasis on the flow of energy through your body, since being in control and even just walking down some stairs without slamming your spine every step gives you a good feeling.

    Hope I don't develop those seizures later on though...


As told by